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Best SEO Company in London Reveals SEO Tips ForWordPress Blogs

It is a fact that most of the top 100 blogs are made using WordPress. This fact alone communicates the importance why even best SEO company in London puts in time and energy to master the SEO techniques for WordPress blogs. Managing a WordPress is simple, but the efforts required for the SEO of a WordPress site or blog is the same.

Like any other successful blog, the success of the WordPress blogdepends on the combination of SEO techniques and effective content writing. This generates traffic and adds to the online visibility. Thebest SEO company in London recommends the followingfive SEO tactics to increase traffic to your WordPress blog site:

1.Use Tags: As perbest SEO company in London, a tag adds specificity to your posts, which will generate hits in search engines, and help consumers find information that is relevant to your blog site. After writing each post, add tags in the -Post Tags- area. Select specific words and or phrases for targeting. As a best practice, best SEO company in London recommends that s avoid using spam on your tags. 2.Customize Permalinks:Your WordPress blog has a permanent URL, called a permalink. Users can now edit the default structure to incorporate keywords. Best SEO company in London recommends that you should start the permalink structure with a numeric tag as a healthy SEO practice. 3.Use Sitemaps: Sitemaps refers to the list of the pages on your site. Sitemaps helps in generating hits to your web site. Each time the blog is updated the sitemap alerts the search engine. Sitemaps help search engines crawl your WordPress and discover the posts it might not find otherwise. Best SEO company in London recommends to use sitemaps plug-ins for WordPress. 4.Optimize Posts: SEO techniques can be used for regular website as well as in WordPress blogs. You can optimize your posts by keeping your target keywords in crucial areas such as in titles and headings. Ensure that your keywords are relevant to your blog topic. Try to keep your article -natural-, without it sounding too -spammy-. 5.Link Internally:Your WordPress posts should link to related posts, tags and categories within each post. Make key words your anchor text. Internal links such as these will guide visitors to your site and assist search engines to identify posts and pages that are related to your blog.Best SEO company in London strongly believes thatinternal link building is a great on-page SEO tactics that is known to provide visible results.

For business and blog owners it is challenging to manage the SEO therefore, it is suggested to look out for best SEO company in London. These companies are aware of the Google updates and policies and accordingly craft the SEO plan around it. The best SEO company in London rarely would have the common plan for different businesses as it primarily rests on the nature of the business and the targeted audience.

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